Bringing terminology close to daily use

Bringing terminology close to daily useIT has spread everywhere. It has become accessible to all types of professionals, and plain English (or any other language) can now be used to talk about IT and IT support. Also, in post-PC times, IT based devices and services have come to everyday live. While this happened over the past years, the differences between consumer IT and professional IT have also become smaller. Devices that were first introduced in the B2C market are brought to work. Users want to use their favorite personal device to access professional information, like reading their mail on a phone, accessing a document on a tablet, etc. Devices introduced within the professional context, like portable PCs, are brought home. An increased number of home users has access to high-bandwidth network connections from home and other places to work in virtual teams. The IT community has expanded, and different media have lowered the boundaries between professional IT and consumer IT. A real-life terminology has emerged to talk about IT related services, service management and support. Even young people and previously IT illiterate people have become familiar with this common "body of knowledge". Yet, ITIL is still known for its own special vocabulary it invented to make things consistent. For ITIL people, there is no such thing as someone calling the IT helpdesk with a problem. This would rather need to sound something like a user contacting the Service Desk with something that is probably an Incident. Make sure not to tell anyone it's a problem, because the word Problem has been reserved for another purpose. Mixing "Itilian" and plain English in a single text or conversation can be difficult. This leads to unnecessary confusion in both plain English communications and ITIL based communications. Artificial official translations to other languages, some of which have not made it to the work floor in the competition against their English counterparts, add to the confusion. Even in recent versions, common words like "event", "alert", "access", "SDP" or "transition" have been claimed by ITIL and given a new meaning for the insiders to use among them. Every version of ITIL seems to have made things worse. When people finally got used to referring to CIs in the CMDB according to SLA as discussed on the CAB with the SLM, we now have to embrace that the CMDBs together with the IMDB, PMDB and KEDB are only one part of the CMS within an SKMS and EKMS. But the DHS seems to be gone in the latest version, somehow.

That's one confusing three-letter word less!