
IntroductionThere can be no doubt that ITIL V3 has caused active debate since its launch in 2007, especially when IT practitioners were suddenly faced with an updated version. The V2 qualifications had primarily concentrated on two of the publications, Service Delivery and Service Support, even though the full suite also covered, for example, improvements to service and the business perspective. The logic behind the evolution was widely documented at the time that V3 was built on V2. It also provided improvements  and additional material via feedback from those using the techniques in the field and to ensure, amongst other things, an ‘outcome-based, service value approach’ themed on the service lifecycle. Logically, Continual Service Improvement was now identified as one of the core texts in V3. Feedback from practitioners is the mainstay of the evolution and the strength of the latest version comes from offering enhancements to well-understood processes, describing new approaches in the form of ‘living’ examples and providing robust connections to business-orientated techniques such as knowledge management.